Compark South Filing 1 - Site Summary
Belford South MD (Compark Village South) lies within Section 6, Township 6 South, Range 66 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Parker, Colorado. General project area boundaries include Highway E-470 to the north, Grand View Estates to the south, an undeveloped parcel to the west (Cordillera Corp property), and Happy Canyon Creek and Compark 190, LLC property to the east. The project will include a new main access road, Belford Avenue, running east-west connecting South Peoria Street to South Chambers Road.
The Development Site consists of approximately 150 acres, and is mostly vacant with ground cover consisting of native grasses and shrubs. There are currently 3 residences on the south side of the property, which will be demolished prior to the site construction.
A description of the District Phase 1 infrastructure improvements which are to be performed are as follows:
· Erosion Control
· Grading
· Pipeline, Storm, & Drainage
· Concrete
· Paving
· Landscaping
· Fencing
The general time frame beginning construction is the second quarter of 2018 and ending in the 4th quarter of 2019.